Concurrent Use: MEDIKLAUD ERP system supports concurrent Users.
Alert Service:ACR, DICOM CPT, some more attractive features like
messaging through SMS, internal messaging and mailing, alerts at different
points, like if the lab report is delayed then alerts will pop up to lab in-charge,
hospital director, stock depletion alerts to material management, web portal ,
viewing of reports though web, emergency alerts to doctors through SMS.
Reduce Client site installation:Since this is a web-based system, didn’t
require client site installation which reduces installation time and cost.
Entity Authorization: Manage the sets of access control permissions granted
to entities that use an MEDIKLAUD ERP. Enable MEDIKLAUD ERP security
administrators to grant authorizations to users for roles, and within contexts.
Enforcement of confidentiality: Enforce the applicable jurisdiction's patient
privacy rules as they apply to various parts of MEDIKLAUD ERP through the
implementation of security mechanisms.
Interfacing: interface with lab equipment in ASTM protocol, in imaging HL7 and DICOM, ACR mapping, interface proximity card to insert data direct to HR and payroll system about staff.
Data retention, availability, and destruction: Retain, ensure availability, and destroy health record according to organizational standards. This includes:
Identify and maintain a patient record: Key identifying information is stored
and linked to the patient record. Both static and dynamic data elements will be
maintained. A look up function uses this information to uniquely identify the
Manage patient demographics: Contact information including addresses
and phone numbers, as well as key demographic information such as date of
birth, gender, and other information is stored and maintained for reporting
purposes and for the provision of care.
Manage problem list: Create and maintain patient specific problem lists.
Manage medication list: Create and maintain patient specific medication lists
Manage allergy and adverse reaction list: Create and maintain patient
specific allergy and adverse reaction lists.
Manage patient history: Capture, review, and manage medical,
procedural/surgical, social and family history including the capture of pertinent
positive and negative histories, patient reported or externally available patient
clinical history.
Summarize health record Manage clinical documents and notes: Create,
correct, authenticate, and close, as needed, transcribed or directly entered
clinical documentation.
Capture external clinical documents:Incorporate clinical documentation
from external sources.
Generate and record patient specific instructions: Generate and record
patient specific instructions as clinically indicated.
Order medication: Create prescriptions or other medication orders with detail
adequate for correct filling and administration.
Order diagnostic tests: Submit diagnostic test orders based on input from
specific care providers.
Manage order sets: Provide order sets based on provider input or system
prompt, medication suggestions, drug recall updates.
Manage results: Route, manage, and present current and historical test
results to appropriate clinical personnel for review, with the ability to filter and
compare results.
Manage consents and authorizations: Create, maintain, and verify patient
treatment decisions in the form of consents and authorizations when required.
Manage patient advance directives: Capture, maintain, and provide access
to patient advance directives.
Support for standard care plans, guidelines, and protocols: Support the
use of appropriate standard care plans, guidelines, and/or protocols for the
management of specific conditions.
Support for drug interaction: Identify drug interaction warnings at the point
of medication ordering.
Support for medication or immunization administration or supply: To
reduce medication errors at the time of administration of a medication, the
patient is positively identified; checks on the drug, the dose, the route and the
time are facilitated. Documentation is a by product of this checking;
administration details and additional patient information, such as injection site,
vital signs, and pain assessments, are captured. In addition, access to online
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drug monograph information allows providers to check details about a drug
and enhances patient education.
Support for non-medication ordering (referrals, care management)
Present alerts for disease management, preventive services and
wellness: At the point of clinical decision making, identify patient specific
suggestions reminders, screening tests / exams, and other preventive
services in support of disease management, routine preventive and wellness
patient care standards.
Notifications and reminders for disease management, preventive
services and wellness: Between healthcare encounters, notify the patient
and/or appropriate provider of those preventive services, tests, or behavioral
actions that are due or overdue.
Clinical task assignment and routing: Assignment, delegation and/or
transmission of tasks to the appropriate parties.
Inter-provider communication: Support secure electronic communication
(inbound and outbound) between providers in the same practice to trigger or
respond to pertinent actions in the care process (including referral), document
non-electronic communication (such as phone calls, correspondence or other
encounters) and generate paper message artifacts where appropriate.
Pharmacy communication: Provide features to enable secure and reliable
communication of information electronically between practitioners and
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pharmacies or between practitioner and intended recipient of pharmacy
Provider demographics: Provide a current directory of practitioners that, in
addition to demographic information, contains data needed to determine levels
of access required by the MEDIKLAUD ERP security and to support the
practice of medicine.
Scheduling: Support interactions with other systems, applications, and
modules to provide the necessary data to a scheduling system for optimal
efficiency in the scheduling of patient care, for either the patient or a
Report Generation: Provide report generation features for the generation of
standard and ad hoc Reports
Health record output: Allow users to define the records and/or reports that
are considered the formal health record for disclosure purposes, and provide a
mechanism for both chronological and specified record element output.
Rules-driven financial and administrative coding assistance: Provide
financial and administrative coding assistance based on the structured data
available in the encounter documentation.
Patient movement: System can support to movement of patients. From OPD,
IPD, CCU, ICU, and Emergency patient will move anywhere in any time so MEDIKLAUD ERP system has provided integration merging and splitting
Eligibility verification and determination of coverage Manage
Practitioner/ Patient relationships: Identify relationships among providers
treating a single patient, and provide the ability to manage patient lists
assigned to a particular provider.
Clinical decision support system guidelines updates: Receive and
validate formatted inbound communications to facilitate updating of clinical
decision support system guidelines and associated reference material.
Audit trail: Provide audit trail capabilities for resource access and usage
indicating the author, the modification (where pertinent), and the date and time
at which a record was created, modified, viewed, extracted, or removed. Audit
trails extend to information exchange and to audit of consent status
management and to entity authentication attempts. Audit functionality includes
the ability to generate audit reports and to interactively view change history for
individual health records or for an MEDIKLAUD ERP -system.
Extraction of health record information: Manage data extraction in
accordance with analysis and reporting requirements. The extracted data may
require use of more than one application and it may be pre-processed (for
example, by being de-identified) before transmission. Data extractions may be
used to exchange data and provide reports for primary and ancillary purposes.
To Management
To Staff
To Patients
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